Expert Advise

This is a special edition towards the maintenance of a better home, office, or any building which will be featured in the first week of every month.
For Example...
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Better Home Cleaning topic - Insite:
Like a regular health check-up, a home maintenance schedule is important for every house's upkeep. Continuing to check on your exterior, appliances, heating and cooling, plumbing, security, and electrical systems will help prevent breakdowns, save money, and keep your home looking its best. Use this home maintenance checklist to help schedule your..... MAY 2021 we celebrated 20 years of our journey in architecture and interior design.
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Here is our Special Edition of Expert Advice for every month which is now downloadable. This is downloadable for educational purposes only.
Downloadable on Specific Topics :
Pest Control On Site
Monsoon Ready your Home
Bathroom Cleaning Tips
Kitchen Cleaning Tips
Floor Cleaning Tips
Deep Cleaning Tips
Vastu Shastra, traditionally known as the Indian Science of Architecture, is 5000 years old. The literal translation of the term ‘Vastu Shastra’ is ‘science of construction’ and offers a detailed version of dos and don’ts for lands and constructed buildings.
Special Edition
Light Selection Tips
Colour Selection Tips
Interior Mistakes to Avoid
Balcony Garden Tips
Furniture Maintenance Tips
Summer Ready your Home
The above downloadable documents are subject to copyright vinayandrashmi © 2001-20201
If you have missed the other month's downloads - pls email us a request to do so.
Expert Advice document is a copyright of Vinayandrashmi.com
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