Creating Creative work Spaces

Edifice's Office
2500sft Office
April 2018
The entrance to the 2500 square-foot office space of the Edifice Group’s office in Hyderabad is technically a Computer CPU. At first, glance, what appears to be the innards of a computer motherboard, with its skeletal framework, is actually a computer chip structure that spans from the ceiling over the back wall of the reception and lobby areas. The Reception table is made with old CPU as a base and glass on top " Its the reflection of what kind business the clients take up here " says Vinay
Office | Understated and Refined
The material palette has been intentionally kept understated and refined—wood, white, and cement. The conference room has a wooden-finished wall surface with wooden paneling done to offset the yellow. Custom-made lights suspended from the ceiling light up space. The clear glazing between the Reception, Workstations, and other room offers views of the interior from outside, thereby making the space more expansive. A seamless natural ash grey stone flooring running through the entire space binds them together as one.
Executed over a project duration of 45 days, the entire space reflects meticulous sophistication – a philosophy the architects wanted to emulate from their Client. As Rashmi says “The Clients desired the space to reflect their innovative and far-sighted ideology and that became the starting point for the design.”
As you enter the space, it’s not the expansive wall features that engage you, but simple planter boxes on one side and world map on other side affixed to the wall leading down from reception into the cabins, another instance of the meticulous detailing from the architects.
This office has no traditional corner offices or defined hierarchical areas. The compact workspace gravitates toward an open-plan office designed to maximize spatial efficiencies and encourage impromptu “collisions,” conversations and brainstorming sessions. The initial layout of the office had numerous walls blocking light and movement in the space.
Vinay and Rashmi decided to do away with some of these verticals to let the light sweep in. Huge glass openings were carved into the space to allow ample daylight in and minimize the use of power during the day. These openings have large over hangings to reduce extreme heat or direct sunlight making way for a soothing workspace experience for the team. Cleverly concealed storage cabinets in the workstation help reduce clutter and add to the minimalistic look.
The Conference Room
The bright yellow and white conference room provides a pleasant environment to inspire creative minds. The ample natural light in the conference room keeps it bright, serene, and fresh without feeling too stark. The colour helps to make the room look like a creative, collective space for employees rather than feeling stuck in an enclosed place,” explains Rashmi.
In order to add definition to space, the team had the wall entirely with glass to reflect the plants from office corridors. This also made space look a lot bigger than it actually is. The display TV unit has been extended and made a part of the design to cleverly accommodate the setup box.
Rashmi says, “Good office design combines both science and emotion – it is vital to balance both. A well-designed office will help attract and retain the best staff and can also significantly reduce your real estate costs.”
The cabins have the wallpapers which depict the Microsoft Windows Logo. The Tables are Leather cladded with Chrome finished steel supports, the visitor chairs and table are matched to the tan color table and green leather boss chair. The wooden flooring also gives a contract to the entire setup.
There is a reason why successful businesses spend time and energy ensuring their offices are well-designed. Not only does it create a healthy workplace, but an office environment also has the ability to enhance and support the success of a business.
Interior design consciously and subconsciously influences people’s moods and energy on a daily basis. Office interiors have the power to play a major role in influencing the emotions of owners, employees, and customers. This makes its design one of the most important decisions a company can make when creating an identity and a healthy workplace.
Consider 3 points in Office Design:
1. Employees often spend more time in the office than they do at home. With that in mind, it makes sense that well-designed offices can increase employee morale, productivity, efficiency, and overall attitude at home. The idea is to make the office a place they want to be, not where they have to be.
2. Clients and customers also receive messages from office design. If an office is cluttered, outdated, and poorly design, customers and clients might think the same about the company. On the other hand, organized, pleasing, and well-thought-out design tells people about the brand, what it stands for, its success, and promotes confidence in the business. In this regard, office interior design is similar to “dress for success.”
3. Office design also conveys the type of business it is. For instance, a lawyer’s office may appear more sophisticated and professional with darker colors and straight lines, while a graphic design office may be more fun and creative with bright colors and designs. This is an important factor to consider because it shows the business’s function and purpose.
Creating happy Spaces ...
Positive Architecture & Interior Designing by VINAYANDRASHMI